06-29 FFmpeg


08-11 All my quick hacks/tips/tricks collected in one place
08-03 Passenger cars in the EU Pre vs Post Covid-19 pandemic
08-01 IONITY electric vehicle chargers across the EU(2022)
06-30 Domestic material consumption in the EU(2021)
06-30 EU Annual holidays(2018)
06-30 Newly registered electric cars in the EU(2021)
06-29 Newly registered electric cars in the EU(2021 as % of cars)
02-18 EU production of meat from cattle(2020)
02-17 EU meat production from pigs
02-16 EU early leavers from education and training 18-24yo
02-15 EU population aged 30-34 who completed university education or equivalent (2020)
02-11 EU recent immigrants
02-10 EU people using the internet for interaction with public authorities
02-09 EU Money Spent On The Internet
02-08 EU building permits issued
02-07 EU Inactive population not seeking employment
02-03 EU Total Length Of Railway Lines
02-02 EU Exposure To Air Pollution By Particulate Matter
02-01 EU Usual Weekly Hours Of Full-Time Work
01-31 EU Working On Weekends
01-31 EU Job Vacancies
01-27 EU Book Buying
01-26 EU Reading News
01-25 EU Housing Cost overburden 16-29 year olds
01-24 EU people at risk of social exclusion 16-29
01-21 EU Rent Price Changes
01-20 EU House Price Changes 2010-2022
01-19 EU Grants
01-16 My own IBM computer


12-01 Busybox: a small package with a large code base
11-13 The Many Uses of Schedulers
11-06 NeXT Glasses
10-15 Risk of Trouble
08-21 Won't get used to this
08-13 It's Alive!
08-10 Lte Dongle Update
08-09 Lte Dongle
08-05 Mr. Skelly
08-03 Never Ending Job Interviews
08-03 Little Mickey the World Destroyer
08-02 Hi